Seated Nude Woman. (ca. 1915–1930) by Jacob Merkelbach

In the Heat of the Night

PUBLISHED October 19, 2023
This child is born of: 
flesh craving flesh
sweat, skin, and summer
a brief and distant romance 
set to the rhythm of incoming text messages


it was only meant to be one night
one moment that got snagged on the corner of hot summer sadness at 2:00 AM in the heart of Brooklyn
a thread pulled loose that would never be needled back into place 

we were 
less soulmates than stars colliding
less destiny than alchemy 
two heavy hearts in need of healing
too proud to show anything more revealing than a naked body 

something in us had to be destroyed and so we used each other and the instigation of liquor and the dizziness of the dance floor to become undone and devoured 

for a while each other's little secret 
exploding from a tight, hidden corner of life
an ultimate and unignorable love creeping in through the blinds with each shared sunrise 

bodies with bodies making bodies 
life is so fleshy, so full of blood 
a child born of:
loss, lust, and loneliness 
honesty and curiosity 
of life's insatiable appetite for itself 

your body–round and taught–expands with the fullness of someone's longing for you
how is this anything but a sensual experience?
I am cells and molecules and entire organs larger now; there is more of me

my sweet and unexpected love, you have made me more

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