PUBLISHED August 31, 2012

I Don’t Remember…

I don’t remember your name. I’m sorry, I know we’ve met. I think we got along really well, but I simply don’t remember.

I don’t remember a lot of names, a lot of faces, a lot of memories. I don’t remember learning to walk, or the first time I stayed home alone, or my first bee sting. I don’t remember when I met my siblings. I don’t remember my home phone number. I don’t remember what I was doing don’t his exact day last year, or the year before or the year before that. I don’t remember most things. Are most people that way? Isn’t it that most of life we don’t remember? Which is why the things we do remember stand out so much?

I don’t remember a time I didn’t think about the future. I don’t remember what my favorite Christmas present was when I was seven. I don’t remember things I can’t remember. I don’t remember what I’ve forgotten.

I dont’ remember not being able to read, and looking at the introduction titles to cartoons and yelling for my mom to come and read them. Well, that I can remember, but not knowing what words said, I don’t remember the feeling.

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